​​​​​​​​​Working Groups

EBIC Chairman: Peter Simon, Managing Director, the European Savings and Retail Banking Group (ESBG)

EBIC Vice-Chairman: Nina Schindler, CEO,  the European Association of Co-operative Banks (EACB)​

EBIC Secretariat:  Sébastian De Brouwer, Chief Policy Officer, the European Banking Federation (EBF) s.debouwer@ebf.eu
                          Vassileia Tsirigkaki, Policy Adviser - Prudential Policy & Supervision (EBF) v.tsirigkaki@ebf.eu


EBIC Working Group on the Consumer Credit Directive

Chairman: Edward SIMPSON
Secretariat: Eurofinas/Leaseurope
Contact: Isak BENGTZBOE  - i.bengtzboe@eurofinas.org
Phone + 32 (0) 2 778 05 72


EBIC Working Group on Integration

Chairman: Dirk STEIN
Secretariat: European Banking Federation
Contact: Francisco SARAVIA - f.saravia@ebf.eu


EBIC Working Group on Banking Supervisory Practices

Chairman: Michael ENGELHARD
Secretariat: European Savings and Retail Banking Group
Contact: Roberto TIMPANO - roberto.timpano@wsbi-esbg.org​​​ 
Phone + 32 2 211 11 66

EBIC Working Group on Mortgage Credit

Chairman: Francesca SANTILLI
Secretariat: European Mortgage Federation - European Covered Bond Council (EMF-ECBC)
Contact: Jennifer JOHNSON - jjohnson@hypo.org
Phone + 32 (0) 2 285 40 45


EBIC Working Group on Anti-Money Laundering

Chairman: Indranil GANGULI
Secretariat: European Association of Public Banks
Contact: Julien ERNOULT - julien.ernoult@eapb.be
Phone + 32 (0) 2  286 90 69​